- Art Dimensions: 950x1197 Pixels
- Art Format: JPEG
- Art Resolution: 300 DPI
- For optimal print quality make sure your art is a JPEG with 300 DPI. No transparency.
- Keep the main elements of your art towards the center of the JPEG. Anything near the edge runs the risk of being trimmed off during the cutting and sewing process.
- Avoid uploading neon, matte, and metallic colors as our printers cannot achieve accurate printing representation on these specialty color profiles.
Product Features

- Lightweight construction with breathable mesh fabric for maximum comfort and performance.
- Lace-up closure for a snug fit.
- High quality EVA sole for traction and exceptional durability.

Sizing Chart

- Download this detailed description for your Shopify store so your customers know the specifications of the high-quality shoes you are selling.
- Lightweight construction with breathable mesh fabric for maximum comfort and performance.
- Lace-up closure for a snug fit.
- High quality EVA sole for traction and exceptional durability.
For latest pricing click here:
**Pricing includes shipping fees**
- Shipping included in the fulfillment price
- Delivery times and Tracking Policy can be found here
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