- Art Dimensions: 4900 x 1800 Pixels
- Art Format: JPEG
- Art Resolution: 300 DPI
- For optimal print quality make sure your art is a JPEG with 300 DPI. No transparency.
- Keep the main elements of your art towards the center of the JPEG. Anything near the edge runs the risk of being trimmed off during the cutting and sewing process.
- Avoid uploading neon, matte, and metallic colors as our printers cannot achieve accurate printing representation on these specialty color profiles.
Product Features
Add style and personality to your footwear collection with custom printed shoe organizers!
Perfect for stacking vertically in your closet or entryway to save space and keep your shoe collection neat and tidy.
Features a sturdy acrylic frame with a completely clear door so you can see which pair you want to wear without opening the box.
Easy-access door is designed to lift and slide your shoes out allowing you to effortlessly grab-and-go with your favorite pair of shoes each day.
The no-fade print is durable and easy to clean – simply wipe down with damp cloth to remove dirt and debris.
Easy self-assembly instructions included in box.
Sizing Chart

Add style and personality to your footwear collection with custom printed shoe organizers!
Perfect for stacking vertically in your closet or entryway to save space and keep your shoe collection neat and tidy.
Features a sturdy acrylic frame with a completely clear door so you can see which pair you want to wear without opening the box.
Easy-access door is designed to lift and slide your shoes out allowing you to effortlessly grab-and-go with your favorite pair of shoes each day.
The no-fade print is durable and easy to clean – simply wipe down with damp cloth to remove dirt and debris.
Easy self-assembly instructions included in box.
For latest pricing click here:
**Pricing includes shipping fees**
- Premium Shoe Organizer fulfillment
- Shipping included in the fulfillment price
- Delivery times and Tracking Policy can be found here
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